Stress-free Wedding Photography & Videography
We have the most comprehensive wedding photography and videography packages. Pricing starts at $600.
Every videographer comes with at least one form of external audio equipment. Generally we’ll plug into the DJ booth and/or mic up the groom OR officiant. Also, every videographer comes with two cameras (one on a tripod and one on their person).
We do not charge extra for multiple locations.
Yes! We deliver your photos via digital link. You are free to download the photos or use our sharing platform to create and purchase a photo album.
Wedding photos are generally delivered between 6-9 weeks after the wedding. Wedding video is generally delivered between 3-4 months after the wedding. Holidays can slow the process a tad but we are generally on schedule!
Yes! We offer Photo Booths! Social media video teasers, raw video footage as well as additional hours/shooters.